Articles & Insights

Discover five powerful results of coaching on employee retention.

Advice from Karen Velasco, Associate Consultant, Working Transitions.

In today's competitive business landscape, recruitment has become increasingly challenging. Identifying and attracting the right people is just one of the steps in creating a competitive advantage. Organisations must focus on effective onboarding and engagement to truly maximise the return on investment from successful recruitment and retain their valuable employees. Research consistently shows that line manager capabilities and behaviours play a crucial role in employee retention, with the quality of the manager-employee relationship being a significant influence.

This thought-leadership piece explores the "how" of retaining talent through coaching, emphasising the importance of developing line managers' coaching skills and the potential benefits this up-skilling brings to businesses. We will also explore the potential of outsourcing services, such as onboarding and leadership coaching, as a viable solution to enhance retention efforts.

So, how can coaching impact employee retention?

1) Enhancing line manager capabilities

Line managers hold the key to employee retention. Their ability to foster positive relationships, conduct career discussions, and navigate challenging and sensitive conversations significantly impacts an employee's commitment to the organisation. By investing in line manager training and coaching, organisations can equip their managers with the necessary skills to effectively engage and support their teams.

2) Enhancing employee capabilities

Coaching is a powerful tool for line managers to help develop the capabilities of their teams and create an environment conducive to retention. Leaders can enhance their communication, listening, and feedback skills by incorporating coaching techniques into their management approach. Coaching empowers managers to facilitate the growth and development of their team members, helping them align their aspirations with organisational goals and nurture a sense of belonging.

3) Coaching for effective onboarding

One critical aspect of retention is ensuring a smooth transition for new hires. Effective onboarding sets the stage for employee engagement and long-term commitment. Through coaching, line managers can guide new employees, helping them integrate into the organisation's culture, understand their roles and responsibilities, and establish meaningful connections with colleagues. A well-structured onboarding programme, supported by coaching and mentoring, establishes a foundation for long-term success.

4) Career conversations and challenging discussions

Regular career conversations are vital for employee development and engagement. Line managers with coaching skills can engage in meaningful dialogue with their team members, uncovering aspirations, addressing concerns, and identifying growth opportunities. Additionally, coaching equips managers to handle sensitive discussions, such as performance issues or conflicts, with empathy and professionalism, fostering a culture of trust and openness.

5) Creating an environment of psychological safety

Creating an environment of psychological safety is essential for improving employee retention. When employees feel safe to express their opinions, share their ideas, and take calculated risks without fear of judgment or reprisal, they are more likely to engage with their work and remain committed to the organisation. Managers who embrace coaching will foster psychological safety by actively listening, providing constructive feedback, and encouraging open dialogue.

By adopting a coaching mindset, managers can create a space where employees feel valued, heard, and supported in their professional growth. Through effective coaching conversations, managers can empower employees to explore their potential, learn from failures, and take ownership of their development, ultimately enhancing their sense of belonging and contributing to long-term retention.

Outsourcing coaching services

Developing internal coaching expertise can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. Organisations that lack the necessary internal capabilities can benefit from outsourcing coaching services to specialised providers like Working Transitions. Working Transitions brings a wealth of experience, frameworks and tools to support organisations in their retention efforts. From tailored onboarding programmes to leadership coaching, leveraging external assistance can enhance the overall employee experience and retention outcomes.

Click the links to learn more about upskilling your current and next-generation leaders with coaching.

Find out more about Career Transition workshops here.

Discover more about Coaching and Learning workshops here.




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